I'll be completing 6 months of anthroposophic medicine treatment. Three times a week I inject this homeopathic remedy made from the sap of the Mistletoe plant into my body. It became a ritual. It took me 20 minutes to have the courage to puncture myself the first time. The fear is always more painful than the event itself, isn't it? I can say that about the injections and the cancer diagnosis. The fear of it, kills us. Don't get me wrong... The diagnosis and its treatment were harder than I could ever imagine. I could never envision anything like this for myself, or anyone to have to endure. But the transmutation and lessons along the way were just as unfathomable.
All I can say is that once you dive into treatment, you are in a current stronger than any control you might wish to have. All you can do is flow with it. With the exception of very brief moments. And in these moments is when you make the choices that will define the course of your treatment. You will know when the time comes for you to speak loud and clear not only about what you want but, what you need. And that is why I've chosen this form of immunotherapy: to strenghten my body's own abilities of combating cancer, and to strenghten my soul's own abilities to manifest itself.
After undergoing nine months of the traditional medicine protocol of chemotherapy, radiation and mastectomy, being able to make a choice of my own is a cure in itself. Being able to offer something supportive of my body without harm coming from it feels suddenly so rare and so essential. Taking Mistletoe is my way of naturally and preventively kissing goodbye to any unhealthy cells that might emerge in my system. I feel protected. It's like casting a spell. After all I've been through, I still allow myself to believe in magic. And I hope you believe it, too.
I've written a bit more about Mistletoe on a previous post that you can read here. And some info on medical trials using this remedy can be found here. Please find certified Anthroposophical practicioners to guide you on your healing process if you decide to follow this method. A list of doctors in the United States can be found here. Informações sobre este tratamento no Brasil podem ser encontradas aqui.