Plant-medicine is in the center of my healing routine. I chose an alternative cancer treatment in conjunction with more conventional methods. Helleborus Niger is one of my medicinal plants. To carry this plant is an invocation of deep protection and transformation. And I chose to literally carry Helleborus Niger on my body.
There is one and only botanical tattoo artist I have entrusted with such a task. @elissarocabado drew this tattoo free-style on my skin as I watched in awe a metamorphosis taking place. Thank you again and again, Darling Elissa!
About six percent of plants carry Beta-ecdysone steroid hormone as a defense mechanism from consumption by animals. Helleborus Niger is one of these plants. Beta-ecdysone is a key steroid hormones present in insects and crustaceans that activates metamorphosis contributing, for example, in the hormonal transformations that allows caterpillars to become butterflies. When present in plants, this hormone is even in higher concentrations than in the animal kingdom. Helleborus Niger included.
Within anthroposophical medicine Helleborus Niger assists the body to reorganize where its integrity is at risk due to conditions such as cancer. May the metamorphosis begin! Or better yet, continue!
I wrote a bit about my first tattoo session with botanical tattoo artist Elissa Rocabado here.
newly released & limited edition Prints now available.
Wilkens, Johannes (2017). The healing power of the Christmas Rose. The medicinal value of Black Hellebore.
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