The carefully composed images created by Lane resulted in stereoscopes of superior quality than his competitors: “few reached the technical excellence evidenced in Lane’s efforts. It should be understood that the mere use of a stereoscopic camera is no guarantee pictures will contain good three-dimensional qualities.”
Colwell Lane was a skilled photographer who began his career in photography by opening his own studio circa 1866 where he was a prolific producer of Cartes-de-Visite and quality ferrotypes. He deserved the self-title of “photographic artist” which he included in his Cartes-de-Visite. Over twenty three variations of these business cards were found indicating that Colwell Lane had a prolific photographic career.
By 1876, the partnership of Lane and Carvalho dissolved. Eventually both photographers established their own separate photography enterprises in New York City. Colwell Lane operated his studio in Manhattan from 1888 to 1890.
After closing New Jersey Stereoscopic Views Co., David N. Carvalho sustained various temporary studio locations, following the trend of photography in uptown Manhattan. In 1877, he opened his first studio which was located at the Carvalho’s household; the following studios remained quite near his father’s residence. David named his business “Carvalho”, probably an indication of lack of business independence from his father who most likely ambled over from time to time to give his son paternal advice. David produced Cartas-de-Visite and cabinet cards with some degree of success and sustained a commercial photography career for the next 10 years. Eventually he became an expert in the study of handwriting and inks, to which studies he was dedicated for the rest of his life.