What else can you do with digitized Stereographic collections?
In the 1990’s the relevancy of The Robert N. Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views collection was confirmed when NYPL digitized 12,000 stereographic views and present it as the first large-scale digital image collection made available to the public on the internet.
In addition, NYPL made an incredible effort to bring three-dimensionality back into its Stereoscopic collection. Since 2012, NYPL’s website allows visitors to experience the stereoscopic views not only as static photographs but through the project Stereogranimator, users can generate animated GIF files from stereoscopic collections from across the country. The flickering images in GIF format attempt to emulate the original 3D effect of the stereoscope technology. This is an an engaging and generous public domain element offered by NYPL given users the ability to share their creations on social media platforms.
But I still enjoy the authenticity sustained by looking at static images through a viewer. I believe, Google Cardboard gives a closer experience to what using an original stereoscope felt like.
Replication of stereoscope effect using GIF files. Steregoranmator was created by Joshua Heineman in collaboration with NYPL.