
Feb. 5th, 2021

CURATION Project: “Capturing Feathers”

Princeton University Library, US

A new digital Princeton University Library (PUL) exhibition explores the bird imagery in the Library’s Digital Repository and highlights the importance of birds as an indicator species, serving as one of nature’s primordial messengers of climate change.

Titled “Capturing Feathers,” this exhibition is inspired by the work of Charles H. Rogers (Class of 1909), curator of Princeton University's ornithological collection from 1920-1977. The personal bird journals of Charles Rogers, which span a period of seventy years, are being digitized as part of an ongoing collaboration between the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) and the PULDigital Imaging Studio. 

Digital Imaging Technician and designer of the online exhibition Jennifer Cabral-Pierce curated the virtual display, which showcases PUL’s initial digitization efforts of source materials that will eventually generate invaluable data for climate change, conservation, and biodiversity studies.

- Read complete announcement on Princeton University Library’s website.

To fully experience the pages of each book I highly recommend a computer screen and not a device. And yes, you can even see the rich details of a Gutenberg Bible page by page.


Click to Download a coloring book of open source images from Princeton University Library’s digital repository.


#digitization #libraries #archives #digitalrepositories #climatechange #birdwatching #birding #ebird #audubon

#colorourcollections #freedownload #opensource #archives #libraries #collections #culturalheritage #culturalinstitutions #coloringpages #coloring #coloringbook #childrenactivities #teachingtools

until Feb. 2021



PRINT SALE For Amazon indigenous People

Only available in Brazil

In face of COVID-19 Pandemic, a group of Brazilian Photographers is mobilizing a campaign to support extreme vulnerable indigenous populations in the state of Rondonia, South of Amazonas and Northeast Mato Grosso - home to the Amazon Forest. I am honored to be part of this effort with photographers from across my country.

From the sale of photographic prints money will be allocated to support COVID-19 prevention and containment in the Amazon region which these indigenous communities are constantly fighting to protect:

INDIGENOUS TRIBES - Terra Indígena Rio Branco | Terra Indígena Karitiana | Terra Indígena Karipuna | Terra Indígena Igarapé Lourdes | Terra Indígena Zoró | Terra Indígena Kwaza | Terra Indígena | Tubarão Latunde | Terra Indígena Kaxarari | Terra Indígena Sete de Setembro | Terra Indígena Rio Negro Ocaia | Terra Indígena Pacáas-Novas | Terra Indígena Sagarana | Terra Indígena Igarapé Ribeirão | Terra Indígena Igarapé Lage | Terra Indígena Rio Guaporé | Terra Indígena Uru Eu Wau Wau | Terra Indígena Rio Mequens | Terra Indígena Roosevelt.

INDIGENOUS TRIBES IN URBAN AREAS - Kassupá (São Domingos, Costa Marques e Porto Velho) | Puruborá (Seringueiras, Costa Marques, Guajará-Mirim e São Francisco) | Guarasugwe (Pimenteiras, Porto Velho e Costa Marques) | Migueleno (São Francisco e Porto Velho) | Oro Mon (Porto Velho) | Paumari (Porto Velho) | Karitiana (Porto Velho) | Mura (Porto Velho) | Parintintin (Costa Marques e Porto Velho) | Sakyrabiar (Costa Marques, Guajará-Mirim) | Arua (Costa Marques) | Tupari (Costa Marques) | Cujubim (Costa Marques) | Chiquitano (Costa Marques) | Canoe (Costa Marques) | Macurap (Guajará-Mirim e São Francisco | Wajuru Porto Rolim | Sabane (Vilhena) | Maimande (Vilhena) | Terena (Vilhena) | Negarotê (Comodoro e Tangará)

INDIGENOUS COMMUNITY - Nazaré. Baixo Madeira. Porto Velho. RO

Somente disponível no território brasileiro

- A campanha Fotos para Rondônia vai ate Dezembro de 2020. (EXTENDIDA ATÉ FEB.)

- Fotografias Fine Art, Impressão em papel de Algodão | Tamanho 20x30 cm | R$150,00 | Frete gratuito para todo o Brasil.

- Escolha uma, ou mais imagens e anote o nome fotógrafo(a) e da fotografia.

- Faca transferência ou depósito para estes dados bancários:

Associação de Defesa Etnoambiental 

CNPJ 63.762.884/0001-31

Banco Itaú, Agência 0663, C/C 85087-3.

- Mande um email para com o assunto ADESAO incluindo o comprovante de depósito ou transferência bancária anexado, e o o nome do fotógrafo(a) e da fotografia desejada. Frete grátis em todo território brasileiro 2 meses após compra.