Sept. 2024
Mendrisio, Switzerland
My work will be part of the contemporary collection of the Museum of Avant-Garde in Mendrisio, Switzerland as one of the finalists for this award.
But that doesn’t compare to the joy of having no one less than Graciela Iturbide selecting my works to be incorporated into this museum. Graciela Iturbide is someone that constantly inspires me and gave me one advice when I met her at a lecture 10 years ago: “Keep photographing. Don’t stop.”
The museum of avant garde is scheduled to open in 2025, and includes it is holdings works by over 250 avant-garde artists including photographers Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Steichen, and Brazilian artists Tarsila do Amaral and Mario de Andrade.
Images from my series DEPRESSION. POSESSION. REPRESSION. that will be part of The Museum of Avant-garde can be viewed here.
Aug. 2024
Cabral’s book dummy “Depression. Possession. Repression. - All for her” received an honorable mention at Prêmio Foto em Pauta 2024 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
The judging panel for the eighth edition of the Foto em Pauta Prize for Photo Books - formed by Ângela Berlinde, Eugênio Sávio, Isabel Santana Terron, Sofia Fan and Tiago Santana - met in São Paulo to finalized the evaluation of the projects and defined the winner:
“FUJIKAWA: THE SUN FROM HERE SHINES YELLOW” by Henrique Fujikawa @riquekawa, whose book will be published by Editora Tempo d´Imagem and printed at Rona Editora in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
The committee chose to highlight four other projects including the prototype of my book “DEPRESSÃO. REPRESSION. POSSESSION. - ALL FOR HER.
The ongoing project for this photo book can be seen here.
Sept. 2024
My series Borderline received an honorable mention from the New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC4PA).
In 2012 New York Center for Photographic Art (NYC4PA) was created with a mission to provide exhibition opportunities to fellow photographers worldwide. I look forward to seeing works selected in the juried photography call Wandering Curves curated by Darren Ching from of Klompching Gallery.
May 5th, 2021.
Rutgers University
2021 Outstanding Academic Achievement - School of Communication and Information Science
I am so honored by this Award in Academic Excellence in the Library and Information Sciences Graduate Program. Thank you all at the School of Communication and Information Science @rutgersu
I am overwhelmed and forever grateful to all at @RutgersCommInfo for cheering me on! Specially, Dr. Marija Dalbelo, Dr. Lilia Pavlovsky and my dear friend Lauren Bell who keep me motivated and inspired. #graduateschool #RUSCI #honorsdayrutgers #LIS #rutgers#rutgerscomminfo
Nov. 7th 2019
Latin American
Fotografía 8
AI-AP - American Illustration and American Photography
225 West 36th Street, Room 602
New York, NY 10018
MINE_IRA was one of the winners at 2019 Latin American Fotografia.
Brazilian photographers were well represented last nigh during the award ceremony in Manhattan.
Beautiful photography by @lucasamorelli and @sandracattaneoadorno were on display. And we were all included on the 8th edition catalog of @latinamericanfotografia
Congrats @fernando.villela @brunelgalhego @pedro_kuperman grateful for the good company.
Thanks again to @latinamericanfotografia8 competition jury: Leslie dela Vega @leslie.delavega Director of Visuals, OZY MEDIA / USA; Verónica Sanchis @veronicasanchis Photo editor, Founder, @fotofeminas / VENEZUELA / HONG KONG; Ana Casas Broda @anacasasbroda Artist, Photoeditor INFRAMUNDO, co-director Hydra + Fotografía / SPAIN / MÉXICO; Alfredo de Stéfano, @alfredo_de_stefano_art Photographer, Visual Artist, Cultural Manager, Luz del Norte Fotografía / MÉXICO; Daniel Brena @danielbrena Director, Centro de las Artes de San Agustín / MÉXICO. And to the sponsors: Epson Latin America and Resistencia Studio in Colombia who designed the catalog.
Catalog Latin American Fotografia and ilustracion
Sept 9th, 2015
Mercer County Photography biennial 2015
Silva Gallery of Art - The Pennington School, NJ.
September 9th - October 9th, 2015
112 West Delaware Avenue Pennington, New Jersey 08534.
Photographer Jennifer Cabral received an honorable mention for her work VISUAL CONCEPTIVE at the show Mercer County Photography Biennial 2015.
Thirty-four photographs were selected for this juried exhibition supported, in part, by Mercer County Culture & Heritage Division, through a grant from the NJ State Council on the Arts/Department of State, a partner agency of the National Endowment for the Arts.
The Silva Gallery is hosting the biennial exhibition Mercer County Photography 2015 from September 9th through October 9th, 2015 at Silva Gallery at the Pennington School - 112 West Delaware Avenue Pennington, New Jersey 08534.
Jul. 2023
São Paulo, Brasil.
Muito grata pela pré-seleção do meu trabalho RIO/MINE no Festival de Fotografia de Paranacicaba @ffparanapiacaba
Na minha série RIO/MINE represento a bacia hidrográfica do Rio Doce em Minas Gerais que foi cartografada, mesmo quando o conhecimento sobre a vastidão da nossa geografia e a riqueza do subsolo do Brasil ainda eram incipientes. Queriam esmeraldas, diamantes, ouro e finalmente minério. Eles nos delinearam para nos despir.
Não há gentileza alguma neste desvelar. Para representar as tamanhas sequelas e o nível de morbilidade que o solo, o ar e a água agora carregam em consequência da atividade minerária, faço intervençoes em mapas hidrográficos do Brasil.
Exponho a terra despida de sua imensa riqueza, mas que apesar de suas profundas sequelas, ainda em seu cerne procura a cura em cada curva de seus rios, assim como eu procuro a cura em cada curva de minhas veias.
#RIOshares #diamundialdaagua #opensource #arquivos #bibliotecanacional #googlesearch #MINE_IRA #M̶I̶N̶É̶RIO #bolsadevalores #acionistas #investidores #stockmarket #stockticker #stocktickermachine #tickertapeparade #minério #serradocrurral #gongosoco #bentorodrigues #samarco #brumadinho #ironore #mineração #minasgerais #mining #valesa #mineradoras #ffparanapiacaba
May 2023
Meu trabalho A_CAMADO(A) é uma das séries pré-selecionadas no festival de fotografia mais antigo do Brasil - o Festival Internacional Paraty em Foco @pefparatyemfoco. Ele existe desde 2004 sem interrupção ocupando o centro histórico de Paraty, cidade eleita como Patrimônio Mundial da Unesco.
Obrigada a toda equipe @pefparatyemfoco
A_CAMADO(A) é um exercício imaginário explorando identidade e auto-definição: Se estivesse aos pés de sua cama, como me descreveria ao me apresentar pela primeira vez ao meu bisavô, que ficou cego no final de sua vida?
Neste trabalho exploro visualmente a ambivalência da minha identidade latina - uma mulher de cor em no contexto norte global, e uma mulher branca em meu próprio país de origem. Ao mesmo tempo representar como minha linhagem, como parte da elite branca privilegiada no Brasil, beneficiou-se de estruturas de desigualdade racial sistêmica em instituições, incluindo em serviços de saúde. Enquanto acamados, o cuidado, auxílio e amparo foram dados frequentemente a membros de minha família por mãos negras.
July 29th, 2020
Hariban Award 2019
Benrido Atelier
Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, Japan
Project M̶i̶n̶é̶RIO
was shortlisted at Hariban Award 2019. A yearly award hosted by Benrido Collotype Atelier in Kyoto. Established in 1887, Benrido is one of Japan’s oldest photographic printing houses in the world. This year they have received 433 applications from people around the world. Jurors Annemarie Zethof & Martijn van Pieterson of IBASHO Gallery selected 100 applicants from this year's submissions to make this year's Shortlist!
2019 panel of jurors was made up of Annemarie Zethof & Martijn van Pieterson of IBASHO Gallery, Takayuki Ishii of Taka Ishii Gallery, Kimi Himeno of AKAAKA & Mirjam Kooiman of FOAM Museum Amsterdam.
As one of the world’s few remaining producers of collotypes, @benrido.atelier offers rare access to this lost craft. Photographers have a shot at collaborating with master artisan printers in making singularly beautiful prints. Good luck to all photographers shortlisted.